Sep 11, 2008

How can man change the world ?

This is an interesting question to all motivated adults who feel that they should give back to society. There were a lot of great people who so called shaped societies or at least a part of our world as we know it to be today. They made great leaders and quoted fantastic and inspiring words that kept their followers united and motivated towards a specific cause. Leaders people like Mahatma Gandhi, Napoleone Buonaparte, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and hundreds more will go down in our history books as people who changed the word and will continue to inspire the generations to come. Reality check now, can any one of us be the next mahatma? I think the more appropriate question to ask is do you need to be the next mahatma ? If yes why ? The unifying answer from most will be because I would like to do something for the world. The next question you need to ask yourself is do I need to be a mahatma to do that? It is interesting to note that these great world leaders had one common factor amongst them, that they adopted a selfless attitude towards their cause. None of them started of thinking that they will be famous one day. They genuinely had good intentions for the welfare of their cause.

I always believed that the world revolves around you. Do you know how true this is? The world is an object that is perceived by interaction between nature and our senses. The perceived world of a blind, deaf or dumb man will vastly defer from a normal adult like you and me. The bigger message here is that the world will be how you perceive it to be. To a blind man this world is nothing but sounds and objects that he feels with his skin. He will never be able to appreciate the beauty of a painting as oppose to a deaf man who will never enjoy wonderful music. The nature that you interact with will matter to you. The people you meet and have relationships with will be significant to you. Ultimately it is all you. Although you may influence people and nature by your presence but what matters to you is how the world affects you. A good example will be a peaceful self-sustaining urban family in America is not prompted to think of the people suffering of poverty and hunger in Africa, likewise having a luxurious life is the last thing on the mind of a young lad in Afghanistan whose immediate worry is staying alive. In short what matters to you will only be something that has fancied your senses. Ignorance is bliss so they say. So your world revolves around you.

To make a change you need to change yourself. You need to understand yourself and how you interact with your surroundings. The focus should be you and not the world. It all boils down to attitude. We need to cultivate a positive and balanced attitude. Without a good attitude life’s progress will be guarded. As the saying goes charity starts at home. Change yourself then think of changing the world. I bet there will be no need of much changing because when you change; your world will change with you. No need to be a great leader of the world, first try to be a good leader to yourself. This will then further translate to improved families and subsequently happier communities. The world talks about these great leaders up to today but there were many unstring heroes in every family, neighborhood and community that though failed to make it to the history books but nevertheless touched the hearts of many through their selflessness. The true happiness lies in selflessness and sacrifice. Mans true happiness lies in the happiness of the people around him. So change the world. Start today and start with yourself . This is my opinion.



Ahilan said...

Welcome to the late night awake club and the world of blogging

Anonymous said...

plz don't be an idiot to post something irrelevant otherwise your ass would be under the jurisdiction of ISA..