Sep 21, 2008


It is funny how life has its way of breezing through leaving you to wonder where did time go? We are often drenched with tears of regret because we take for granted the small things in life. For example how many of us would tell our moms how much we love her or how many would thank her for the small things she does? We tend to neglect the people close to us with a false reassurance that they will always be there. We seldom appreciate the things that we have because we are so preoccupied chasings things that we don’t. life imprints a deep and painful scar on our hearts when we lose the things that we have and hardly appreciated. It is then when we think of the thousands of words to appreciate, we weep in regret and remorse the fact that we don’t have it any more. It is a painful feeling trust me I know.
So why then do we continue to behave is such manner? Man social animals. They strive to make a name and a life for themselves and go to great extends to do this. This long journey unfolds new opportunities, new relationships and new challenges to face. Everyone you meet in life play some importance in life of course their importance will vary depending on how much that person is involved in your life. There is a famous saying that behind every man’s life there is a woman. I can emphasize how through this is. In fact behind everyone life there is a woman, Your Mother. We often oversee the moments we have with our mother but tend to long for her once separated. I personally lost my mum to cancer, and till today there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her. Working in the hospital I see history repeat itself. I can’t tell you how often children are faced with the dilemma of guilt when slap with the news that their parent is critically ill. Most people regret that they did not spend enough time with them our think they did not do much for them. I is sad but bitterly true, this happens and will continue to be so.
We should change our attitudes. We should appreciate the people close to us. Their constant presence today does not mean indefinite presence. Everything has its lifespan, once outlived it must go. So appreciate it while it’s there don’t regret later. Small things are all that is needed. No one is telling you to build a monument for the person, or garland him with invaluable jewels. Just don’t forget to say thank you. Don’t forget to hug the person and tell them how much you love them and appreciate their sacrifice. Don’t be afraid to express your love and gratitude because you will definitely regret it later if you don’t. I never did appreciate and realize the sacrifices my mother did for me until she fell ill. However I tried to make the best of the little time we had afterwards before she passed on. Appreciate the ones you love. Tell them daily that you love them because life has its way of changing things in a blink of an eye. This post is dedicated to my late mother who I know till today is constantly watching over my needs. Thank you mom, I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im sure she is!