Mar 14, 2009

Adopt Sannyasa , what are you waiting for ?

Many great beings walked the face of earth. Many substantial contributions live on till this day. The aim of every passionate soul is to make a change for the better. In their efforts the fire of passion that burns within them is subdued by the external environment that continues moving only at its own pace. We cannot change the world. The world does not need you. Loosing you the world would not halt, it will continue to spin. Hunger, war, injustice, pain, terror, suffering will continue to happen. You cannot change anything. This is not a comment of frustration rather it is a comment of realization. Change yourself; the focus should be on you. There is no such thing as selflessness rather it is a sin to practice it. Neglecting yourself for the benefit of others. Failing to do what is required to be done for yourself. You fail to realize yourself but proudly say that you are engaged in selfless service. Having changed nothing you also fail to change yourself and fail spiritually. Forget it all …
Focus. You, You and You. The world will unfold itself the way it should. The things you need to do for the world will come by your path. Don’t go out of the way to do something. Do things within your means that is the true spiritual practice. Change yourself because you cannot change the world. You are not supposed to change the world anyway . Seek peace within . Do your duty as required and be happy. Renounce the world
om na karmana na prajaya dhanena tyagenaike amrtatvam anasuh parena nakam nihitam guhayam vibhrajate yad yatayo visanti vedanta-vijnana suniscatartha sannyasa yogad-yataya-suddha-sattvah ' Krishna yajur veda
not by work ,not by progeny, not by wealth they attain immortality / realization, only through sannyasa , renunciation it is attained by hermits which lies beyond heaven yet shines brilliantly in the purified heart .

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